Thursday, August 23, 2007


This Praying Mantis was on my car Wednesday evening while I was at home.

How this was shot:
Canon EOS 30 D
Shutter Speed: 1/50 sec
F-Stop: 4.0
ISO: 400
Focal Length: 200.0mm


20/20 Vision said...

The Praying Mantis photo is amazing. Love it!!!! It looks upset, like you were invading there space lol, cool photo. The light streaking across the bottom is awesome.

Christy Bullins said...

I like it Emily, I like it a lot. How do you always manage to make bugs look so cute? I like how close you were able to get to it!

Dave said...

I like the DOF. I see you used Bill's 1st rule! Would this be considered a portrait?

20/20 Vision said...

The Praying Mantis took advantage of the photo op. The reflection from the car is cool, nice light streaking from the bottom.

Robert Franklin said...

The colors in this picture are really good, the the reflection is a nice touch. Good use of depth of field.